Best online Australian Coding course in Idukki


Australian Coding

ICD-10-AM is the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision,  Australian Modification.

10th Edition Clinical Coding Introductory (ICD 10 AM/ACHI/ACS) (CC1)

Perfect for launching a career in clinical coding.
the initial stage of the road to a career as a clinical coder.


knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy
English language comprehension and communication


Review 12 modules with an unlimited number of practise exams and assessments.

LEVEL 2 - CC2 
10th Edition Clinical Coding (ICD 10 AM / ACHI / ACS) Intermediate (CC2)

Existing auditors or coders who want to earn their next level of certification.
The following stage in becoming a fully qualified clinical coder.


Level 1 (ICD 10 AM/ ACHI/ ACS) completion
Being able to decode episodes of both inpatient and outpatient contents from handwritten medical records.


Review 13 modules with an unlimited number of practise exams and assessments.

LEVEL 3 – Certificate IV

(ICD 10 AM / ACHI/ ACS) 10th Edition Clinical Coding – Certificate IV 

  • To be eligible in finding a suitable job in Australia, New Zealand or any country that follows Australian Standards for Clinical Coding.
  • To obtain an Australian Government Certificate in Clinical Coding.


  • Completion of Level 2 (ICD 10 AM/ ACHI/ACS)
  • Sufficient knowledge in coding episodes of all specialties


  • 12 Modules of CC1
  • 13 Modules of CC2
  • 6 Modules to be educated in Australian Healthcare, Safety, Audit methods.
